Maximl and DuPont Sustainable Solutions partnered with the home construction leader in Brazil to digitize safety operations and increase awareness and compliance with safety procedures both on and off the field.

estate giant
300+ Users
Presence in
Key Results

Digital implementation across numerous sites allowed for standardization, which aided in bench marking data across sites

Interactive mobile application led to an increase in the reporting of Safety Observations and the Safe Practice Index per employee

Actionable dashboards to help the client in strategizing and improving employee safety through long-term efforts for the company's 300+ users
As any other responsible leading organization, the company had many safety protocols drafted and distributed among its employees. However, the management quickly realized that these procedures were not being implemented by those on the field. This was impeding the company’s objective of establishing a safety-first culture to protect its operations, employees, and customers.
The most critical issue in the real estate and construction industries is championing and enforcing carefully safety measures among last-mile employees. Ultimately, these employees are the ones on the jobsite, working with heavy machinery and large objects. Until these protocols are fully understood and followed by every employee on the field, safety measures cannot successfully be enforced and the company will always be at the risk of workplace accidents and hazards.

Piles of paper-based processes were hard for employees to consume hence leading to a lack of awareness of protocols

The top-down communication structure led to misinterpretations and ultimately confusion by the time it reached the last-mile

On field employees weren’t able to fully understand how these protocols benefited them or why they were important

There was a lack of proactivity in reporting safety observations or taking actions to reduce risks on the job sites
Along with our partner, DSS, we designed and deployed digital solutions on Maximl’s Connected Worker platform to enhance safety measures in the last-mile and drive adoption among all stakeholders.

Understanding unique behaviours

Rich mobile experiences

Digitized use-cases
About Maximl
Maximl’s Connected Worker platform is built to drive adoption among deskless workers and enable Standard Work Implementation on the field. Our low code platform hosts a powerful suite of mobile-first solutions that are customization-friendly and scalable.

Digitize hundreds of rigid paper-based SOPs and covert them into interactive work instructions that can be deployed within weeks.

Trigger corrective actions based on deviations recorded in key metrics.

Conduct digital inspections across the value chain- from industrial assets, workshops, warehouses, to contract partner locations.

Leverage rich analytics to continuously enhance workforce performance with digital implementation of Kaizen, Six Sigma and Lean initiatives.
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