MassChallenge is a premier support for innovation and entrepreneurs around the world. The company’s mission is ‘to equip bold entrepreneurs to disrupt the status quo and to create meaningful change’. Maximl was recognized as one of MassChallenge’s 2018 Israel finalists which led to our participation in a four-month accelerator program. Besides several other benefits, this program gave us access to MassChallenge’s network of corporate partners (for knowledge sharing and collaboration) along with hands on support from industry experts in tailored workshops.
Over the past decade, MassChallenge has played a vital role in strengthening local and global innovation economies. We have helped entrepreneurs from more than 54 countries solve some of the world’s massive problems… MassChallenge and our 2458+ startups have had a transformative impact on the World – Siobhan Dullea, the CEO of MassChallenge
The decision-making criteria, according to the judges was Maximl’s status as a ‘high-impact startup with a viable path to success and some traction/progress in {its} plans’
Maximl’s cloud-based Connected Worker platform provides real-time visualization of field operations so that stakeholders can forestall bottlenecks and better optimize the critical path for project success.